February's Beneficiary
For the month of February, we have selected Rended Heart as our beneficiary. In their words, Rended Heart exists to "set individuals free from sexual exploitation and prostitution; to see the broken-hearted healed, and their lives restored. Rended Heart seeks to provide immediate short-term accommodations, resources, and services, for the purpose of preparing the sexually exploited individual for entry into a long-term restoration or reintegration program." Visit them at rendedheart.org.
January's Beneficiary
Our January beneficiary is 1/99. The mission of 1/99 is to engage, equip, empower and elevate survivors of sex trafficking so that they may live successful, independent lives in their community. They are community reintegration and provide assistance with job acquisition, educational access, life skills training and wrap around services in the community. Learn more at 199joco.org.
December's Cause
Eripio will be dispersing our proceeds in December towards much needed go-bags for survivors of human-trafficking. We first heard about go-bags from one of the organizations we support through our coffee bag sales. They stock up on these bags so that they are ready for someone they encounter who is escaping human trafficking.
Go-bags might include leggings, sweatpants, sweatshirts, long sleeve pajamas, hats, gloves, socks, feet/hand warmers, sports bras and underwear for women, t-shirts and underwear for men, small tents, pocket Bibles, gift cards, quarters for laundry, non-perishable food items with pop top lids or microwavable containers.
For the month of December, proceeds from our coffee bag sales will go to help provide these items.
November's Beneficiary
Eripio will be dispersing our proceeds in November to Value Unconditional.
One Year Later
Each month, we send a donation to an organization who is in the fight against trafficking. Whether they play an active role in the rescue of victims, or provide support for those still healing, we want to help them. One year later, we will again be donating to our very first recipient, Value Unconditional!
For more information, go to www.valueunconditional.org
Value Unconditional is proud to support adult survivors of various types of abuse and assault, including but not limited to child abuse, domestic and sexual violence, and human trafficking. Since 2018, Value Unconditional has provided over $240,750 in restorative sessions at no cost to the client.
We heard a lot about what they are all about when we attended their annual Friendsgiving event last year. We also had the amazing opportunity to attend their advocate training. We encourage you to learn more about how you can get involved and support VU. If you would like to attend the VU Friendsgiving with Eripio this year, find out more at https://www.valueunconditional.org/friendsgiving.html.
October's Beneficiary
Eripio will be dispersing our proceeds in October to The Stop Trafficking Project. At TSTP, their goal is to end domestic minor sex trafficking. Their focus is awareness that leads to prevention on the very front end, so a student:
- Never needs law enforcement to “rescue” them.
- Never needs a sexual assault nurse to “examine” them.
- Never needs a lifetime of assistance in trauma counseling, support, and housing.
They want to disrupt this exploitation before it can start. Read more at thestoptraffickingproject.com
To date they have educated and empowered over 116,000 students and over 141,000 adults about the role that life online plays in the sexual exploitation of children and domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST).
September's Beneficiary
Relentless Pursuit Outreach & Recovery (RPOR) is a community-centered, faith-based organization located in Kansas City dedicated to eradicating sex trafficking. We strive to heal and restore survivors, bring justice to offenders, educate others on prevention and awareness, and be leaders in the community in order to end the exploitation of human beings. Visit www.rpor.org to see some of the amazing work they are doing.
RPOR is a 501(c)(3) organization that was started in 2019 and has the RPOR Drop-In Center, located at 5108 Independence Avenue in Kansas City, that specializes in providing services and building relationships with ladies that are currently being sexually exploited and trafficked. Since the opening of the drop-in center in December of 2020, RPOR has served over 700 individual ladies. In 2023, we had almost 500 women visit the drop-in center over 15,000 times to receive. The services include hot meals, showers, clean clothes, dentist and eye exams, meetings with their drug and alcohol counselor through their partnership with the Mattie Rhodes Center, as well as meetings with our outreach Coordinator that is able to help provide IDs, birth certificates, health insurance, housing vouchers, detox referrals, and long-term programs to help them get the fresh start they often desperately need. The next phase of expansion which is currently under construction for RPOR is the Mike Daniels Home for the Exploited which will be the first 90 day 24 hour emergency crisis shelter for survivors of sex trafficking in the state of Missouri. It will house 18-20 beds along with a variety of services and staff. Currently this is the largest gap regarding services and shelters for survivors of sex trafficking in the state of Missouri. There are long-term programs available but nothing for law enforcement to utilize in the middle of the night if they encounter a survivor of sex trafficking that needs a place to go. This crisis shelter will be crucial in the healing and restoration of ladies that are being sex trafficked in Kansas City.
August's Beneficiary
Our beneficiary for the month of August is Empower the Fight. This organization was founded by a group of Kansas City moms who witnessed child exploitation and sexual abuse and stepped in to make a difference. They fight to prevent child exploitation through three core programs: the Unmasking Education Program, Victim-Centered Advocacy Program, and Frontline Empowerment Resource Program. Their convictions and heart is to be a Christ-centered organization, who equips adults with the means to prevent and stop child exploitation in all forms. Learn more about Empower the Fight at stopchildexploitation.org
July's Beneficiary
Eripio will be dispersing our proceeds in July to Lifeline Children's Services. Their mission is to equip the Body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children. Their vision is that vulnerable children and their communities are transformed by the gospel and are making disciples. Find out more about Lifeline at lifelinechild.org.
June's Beneficiary
Eripio will be dispersing our proceeds in June to ReHope. ReHope is a faith-based 501(c)3 providing housing, treatment, and services to victims of human trafficking.
ReHope Youth provides Trauma Treatment, Education, Family Reintegration, and Advanced Trauma-Informed Foster/Adoptive Services. RH Youth is located outside of the greater Kansas City metropolitan area, RH Youth serves up to 7 girls and 7 boys (11-17 years of age) at a time.
REHOPE Farms is a 17-acre community that offers free Long-term Housing, Trauma Therapy & Healing Programs, Alcohol & Drug Treatment, Mental Health Services, Spiritual Care, Physical Care - Prescriptions, Dental & Vision, Education Services & Job Preparation, Reintegration Services, and Lifelong Access to Counseling, Education, & Spiritual Encouragement.
REHOPE Market was founded as a social enterprise to sell online merchandise and survivor-made products. The program provides Personal & Professional Skills Training and Therapeutic & Creative Outlets.
With each purchase you make from Eripio, proceeds will go to organizations fighting against human trafficking.
Find out more about ReHope at rehope.org and on social media @rehopeorg.
May's Beneficiary
Eripio will be dispersing our proceeds in May to CarePortal. CarePortal is an online network that allows you to "take meaningful action on the platform that's connecting the largest network of caring people to meet the needs of kids and families in crisis." More than 60% of girls that age out of the foster care system end up being trafficked. CarePortal is devoted to helping prevent that from happening.
With each purchase you make from Eripio, proceeds will go to organizations fighting against human trafficking.
Find out more about CarePortal at facebook.com/TheCarePortal and careportal.org.
April's Beneficiaries
Eripio will be dispersing our proceeds in April between all of our local organizations because we have so many vendor events that we are participating in this month. Proceeds from all online sales will be dispersed as well. With each purchase you make, proceeds will go to these organizations fighting against human trafficking.
Local Organizations:
Vendor Events:
- Midwest Parent Educators Conference, April 5-6
- Hope5one 5k Walk Run, April 20
- Care Portal Conference, April 22-24
- Come to the Vine, fundraising event for 1/99, April 27
March's Beneficiary
Through March, we are partnering with Hope5one, a new, faith-based, 501c3 nonprofit organization in Benton County, MO giving hope and freedom from human trafficking. Their mission is to protect the vulnerable from human trafficking, provide shelter, hope and healing to the rescued, and to educate and empower the community to be part of the solution, by the power of Jesus Christ our Rescuer . Check them out at hope5one.org.